Saturday, April 30, 2016

The other day I had an interesting text conversation with a good friend of mine. Her 3rd grader is a good reader, yet he does not like to read at home. Sound familiar? I wanted to share my tips, especially since summer is coming and we all know how important it is to keep reading during the vacation.

Image result for summer reading
  • choice: give your child a choice about what he wants to read (fiction, nonfiction, poetry, etc.) and how (books, magazines, newspapers, on the electronics). We want to make reading an enjoyable experience!
  • interest and readability: be sure he is reading about topics in which he is interested, but also be sure he is reading at an appropriate level for him (it is not enough to just be able to read the words, children have to be able to understand what they read)
  • motivating rewards: try to incorporate electronics (or anything else that he really likes to do) as a reward for reading a certain amount of time each day
  • create and maintain a routine or a schedule: I know it is hard especially on vacation, but try setting up a reading schedule and stick to it (i.e.: he has to read for 15 minutes each day at the same time and then he can earn his reward)
  • check in: it is important to check in with your child about his reading. This will reinforce the importance of reading, allow you to learn about your child as a reader, and give you time to spend with your child (you can read a few sentences to him, he can read out loud to you, ask him questions about what he has read)
  • some cool reading websites: some of these have apps too!

I hope this helps! Happy reading!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

It's been a while! Happy April! Did winter return for you, as it did for us?!?! Ahh...that's ok. I can't complain because last year was so much worse than this year!!

Our principal sent us this article. I really enjoyed it. Check it out if you get a chance. It is about working as a team in your school. The part that I liked best was that even though "students in these schools presented many teacher felt alone in meeting them."

How does your school value and approach teamwork? How can you work to make effective teamwork even better? 
